Its no longer in doubt that the future is in cloud computing. What does it mean with organizations moving to ‘cloud’? In simple terms cloud computing is a new model of service delivery in which as opposed to legacy/traditional investment on physical IT devices the latter is accessed using a ‘pay as you go’ model from cloud providers. The cloud provider will now be in charge of maintaining the customers IT infrastructure, integration with the existing infrastructure as well as developing new functionalities on demand basis.
There exist three types of cloud computing models namely: public, private and hybrid difference between them lying in the amount of management required as well as the security requirement of the client. In public cloud the entire infrastructure is located at the cloud provider premises and is delivered over the internet. For private cloud as the name suggests is exclusively for an organization and provides the highest level of control and security.
The demand for cloud computing in Kenya in the recent years has been on an increase trend as it offers scalability, agility and flexibility as you only pay as much as you need. Most businesses have appreciated the need to focus on strategic tasks and avoid large upfront investments in IT of the major concerns why most of the businesses are reluctant moving some/all their services to cloud is security of their data. The other factor is privacy of data as in cloud computing data is stored on another server thus losing control.
Adopting cloud computing presents endless opportunities for private industries, individuals or even the government as they are able to access massive computational power and at a low cost. On the flipside Investments in cloud computing for enterprises require both financial and technical expertise hence the need to evaluate the cost, benefits and risks before making such moves.
The hard decision of which services to move into the cloud should be informed by successful case studies as advised by the solution provide. Of the function and services that have been migrated to cloud and working effectively include human resources services, CRM, payroll, ERP systems, project management, accounting, finance and application development.
East African Data handlers is among the leaders in this space offering platform as a service (PaaS), Infrastructure as a service(Saas) and software as a service(Saas).This has been possible as a result of key strategic partnerships with leading cloud providers such as Amazon web Services, Microsoft azure , google cloud and Vmware.
In concluding, to accelerate adoption of cloud computing in Kenya there is need to for cloud providers to provide statistics and case studies and statistics of the same for enterprise to understand the application of cloud services. This will make companies understand the concept as well as making advantages/benefits of cloud adoption observable.
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